Altruist spf
About altruist spf
Altruist was created by Andrew Birnie (Consultant Dermatologist) and David Westerbeek Van Eerten (an economist who has worked in skincare his whole life); 2 friends who met in Africa. They met many years ago whilst working in Durban, South Africa and became good friends whilst sitting in the morning sun on surfboards in the Indian Ocean.
They set out with a vision: to reduce the incidence of skin cancer by enabling more people to use more sunscreen. Together with the help of the best scientists in Europe and BASF they created an exceptionally high quality sunscreen at the lowest possible price.
prevention and awareness of cancer
AltruistMD cares very greatly about education and spreading awareness of the importance of spf, in order to prevent skin cancer.
Most common of all cancers
Divided in to melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC)
Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) – usually slow growing – most commonly on head and neck. Almost never spread. Can be cured by surgery.
Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) – develop on sun exposed areas; can be cured if treated early (usually surgically). May spread if high risk type.
Melanoma is a potentially dangerous type; often develop on areas with intermittent sun exposure that have been sunburnt (e.g. men’s backs). Can be cured if caught early. New research is offering hope to those with metastatic disease.
Chronic ultraviolet radiation exposure
Pale skin
Skin cancer in the family
Multiple / unusual moles
Severe sunburn
Weakend immune system
Benefits of Sunscreen
Prevents UV radiation reaching the skin.
UVB (ultraviolet radiation) causes sunburn (and also enables vitamin D production)
Both UVB and UVA can contribute to the development of skin cancer.
UVA causes wrinkles, brown spots (photoageing)
Both UVB and UVA can contribute to the development of skin cancer.
SPF = Sun Protection Factor (the number of times longer you can stay in the sun before burning compared to wearing no sunscreen) indicates UVB protection
The amount of UVB radiation that is filtered out varies with different SPFs:
SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB
SPF 30 blocks 96.7% of UVB
SPF 50 blocks 98.3% of UVB

Book a consultation
With years of experience and training, our team will develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific skin goals and help you achieve the results you deserve.