Dealing with rough & dry skin
About rough & dry skin
Rough and dry skin can occur due to various factors that impact the skin's natural moisture balance and protective barrier. Some common reasons people experience rough and dry skin include environmental factors, aging, hormonal imbalances, genetics, harsh skincare routines and some medical conditions.
Understanding the underlying causes of rough and dry skin is crucial in developing an effective skincare routine and seeking appropriate treatments. At SKINLAB, we provide personalised consultations to assess your skin's specific needs and recommend tailored solutions to restore moisture, improve texture, and revitalise your skin.
The Main Causes of Dry Skin
Hormonal changes, such as those during menopause or perimenopause, can disrupt the skin's moisture balance and decrease oil production, leading to dry and rough skin.
Cold temperatures and low humidity can dehydrate the skin.
Hormone levels change as we age, leading to a decrease in sebum (oil) production and an increase in TEWL.
Some individuals produce less sebum, causing them to have drier skin than others.
The main cause of rough & dry skin is Rosacea.
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition characterised by facial flushing, redness, telangiectasia (visible vessels), bumps and pimples. The first sign of rosacea may be redness or flushing that comes and goes.
Unprotected UV ray exposure disrupts the skin’s ability to balance moisture levels.
Frequent washing robs the skin of moisture and many soaps strip skin of its natural oils.
The longer you stay in the steamy shower, the more you dry out your skin. Five-minute is an ideal length of time.
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With years of experience and training, our team will develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific skin goals and help you achieve the results you deserve.