new mole mapping service

Let's talk about moles!

 Every week we have lots of you through our doors, sampling all we have to offer from our treatment menu.

Over the years of seeing you all, there have been many occasions where we may detect a sinister-looking lesion or mole whilst carrying out a treatment. On those occasions, we have strongly advised you to get the lesion or mole checked by your GP.

Just last year alone, two of you took our advice and were diagnosed with skin cancer, with one of those cases resulting in surgical removal.

With access to GP's becoming more and more difficult, people are putting off getting suspicious moles or lesions checked. Most people cannot afford private dermatology fees, ranging from £200- £300. 

This is where we come in!

SKINLAB has introduced a new mole mapping service in conjunction with Map My Mole.

It is a service aligned with the British Association of Dermatologists' teledermatology guidelines (would you expect anything less from us?!)

Images are taken of your lesion/mole by Sarah or Vicky in clinic, and submitted to Map My Mole to be reviewed by a leading UK dermatologist.

The report is received back within 48hrs with an explanation as to what the lesion/mole represents.

If a concerning mole is imaged, the dermatologist will inform you, providing you with a report that can be sent to your GP to speed up any referral.

Please note that a diagnosis cannot be achieved with images alone. This would require a biopsy and histology if deemed appropriate.

This is purely a fast track service if you have concerns over a mole or lesion, to get them assessed and to find out if you require referral for further investigation.  The appointment at SKINLAB is quick, easy and painless, and we can image up to 3 moles per booking and submission to Map My Mole. Don't worry if the mole/lesion is in a more intimate area. Sarah has been a nurse for 24 years and there's not much she hasn't seen!

Your skin deserves attention, and early detection is key to maintaining its health. Book your Mole Mapping appointment today and take control of your skin health journey with SKINLAB. Don't delay – your peace of mind awaits.


Before & After Pictures (Using Our OBSERV® Skin Analyser)


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